Chacarera 1 & 2, Andreas Lehrke
Friday & Saturday, November 3 and 4, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. each day
More and more often the Chacarera is part of a Milonga.
When the first rhythmic guitar hits sound, some jump from their seats happily, while others roll their eyes and hope that "it" will be over soon.
If you overlook the fact that the dance is actually a courtship dance, in which a rooster-like gaucho tries to seduce the chaste lady of his dreams, you quickly realize how much fun you can have with the movements and the shared dance experience in the group .
No prior knowledge required! On both days we will work through the step sequences, simple forms of the Zapateos and variations of the Zanrandeo, with all participants having the opportunity to learn both roles.
Sunday's Chacarera 2 builds on Saturday's workshop.